Created by Hazel 4th February 2021 This event has closed


I was hoping to do a fundraising get-together with my "Girls" group post lockdown, but that's not possible at the moment so when I saw the idea of a Febrewary zoom in the CF News, I thought it sounded like a great idea! Hopefully we can get together for a cuppa and cake and make a donation to Jo's tribute fund. A big thanks for taking part. ❤️


Girls FeBREWary Zoom

5th February 2021
Last night my "Girls" got together on zoom for a cuppa and a good blether! Just want to say a great big thank you to Sandra, Jacqualine, Barbara, Dorothy, Anne and Sheila (and also to Alex, Neale and Vicky) for their kindness and generosity in supporting this venture. We raised the great sum of £145 for CF. Thanks also for your company ❤️😊