Jo's 4th Anniversary 🌹

2020 November 26

Created by Hazel 4 years ago

Each year so far, we've tried to do something special to mark Jo's anniversary.

On her first anniversary we sponsored a seat in her name at the Playhouse Theatre in Edinburgh as Jo loved going there, especially to see musicals. I've managed to book her seat once when I went to see"Wicked", which was one of Jo's top 4!

(On 13th October 2021, we had our first trip to the theatre since lockdown. We went to see Blood Brothers, which was another of Jo's favourites. Alex was very pleased to be able to sit in Jo's seat.)

For her second anniversary we had Jo's name added to the CF online book of remembrance and also to  the actual book in Brompton Chapel in London.  We managed to go and see the book which is beautiful. It was a very moving experience, not only to see Jo's name but also those of so many other young people who have lost their lives to CF.

Last year we made a donation in Jo's memory to the Hedgehog Hospital in Rosyth. Everyone knows how Jo loved hedgehogs! We collected bundles of old newspapers, old towels and some of Ade's things and took them to Rosyth and were able to have a look round the hospital which is run from the house of a young girl. Jo would've loved it.

This year we have had a rose named after Jo. It has pride of place in our front garden and we're hoping for lots of lovely yellow blooms come the summer.

On Jo's 5th anniversary Alex and I went to see Les Miserables which was playing in Glasgow. We also decided to raise money for CF and around the anniversary date we did a week of walks and raised over £1700.

( Please see the event blog for more details)

(On Jo's 6th anniversary, Alex and I met up with Neale at the Theatre Royal Bar for a meal. This was where we always went for a drink after seeing a show at the Playhouse. We were joined by Strevs, who was a work friend of Jo's and who is a friend of Neale.)
