After an increasing number of hospital stays, it was decided that Jo should have tests to see if she was suitable for a lung transplant, so in March 2010 we went to the Freeman hospital in Newcastle for 3 days of tests. Despite having many problems with allergies and anaphylaxis, Jo was put on the transplant list. We headed home to pack our"transplant bags" and wait for the call.
At 2am on July 13th 2010, the call duly came! I went in the ambulance with Jo and Alex drove to Newcastle in the car. She was prepped for her operation, signed papers to say she would accept reconditioned lungs and after what seemed like ages, we were told the lungs were not suitable so we would have to go home and begin the wait again.
Six weeks later, on August 23rd we had our second call and once again made our way to Newcastle. This time we were told the donor lungs were"gorgeous" and at 11am we kissed goodbye to Jo and began the interminable wait. 8 hours later, the surgeon, Mr.Tocevich, came to find us to let us know that the operation had been a success and Jo was being taken to ICU.
Once she was settled in we were able to sit with her. She was still under the anasthetic and was breathing with the aid of a ventilator. It was very difficult to see our wee girl like this and after enquiring several times about all the beeps coming from all the machinery she was attached to, her nurse very kindly suggested that it might be good for us to go and get some sleep!
When we returned next morning, Jo was trying to breathe on her own so was taken off the ventilator. What a great moment that was! We left her to sleep and, as it was likely to be about 3months of hospital treatment for her, we went to find out about renting a flat near the hospital. I was able to stay in the hospital accommodation but had to share so Alex rented a studio flat in Stannington Place.
We went back to sit with Jo once she had wakened up and much to the surprise of her nurse she was watching"Holby City" on tv, after just having gone through an 8hour operation herself! That was Jo, though!
She was moved to her own room on the ward and it was here that she celebrated her 25th birthday. We were able to take her out to Tynemouth and she had her favourite meal of spaghetti Bolognese!
With daily physio and exercise,Jo was soon up on her feet and after only 3 weeks, we were told Jo could go home! It was quite a daunting thought so soon after her op.We spent a couple of days in Alex's flat, to be close to the hospital, then made the journey home with Jo and her new lungs ready to re-start her life.
Jo stayed with us for a short time but was desperate to get back to her own flat in Leith with Neale and Katie, and soon moved back.