🎵Ye Dinnae Ken Yer Beautiful!🎵

2012 May 25

Created by Hazel 4 years ago

Jo loved her music and loved to have a laugh!

This memory includes both and always makes us laugh when we think about it!

Alex and I had been persuaded by Jo and Neale to go to see Keane in Glasgow. We stayed overnight and when we got back to Edinburgh the next day we got a text from Jo to ask us to stop by HMV to see her.

When we got to the store on Princes Street, we saw a crowd outside and in the middle of the crowd were 4 members of the staff in fancy dress dancing and singing! 

These were "Yin Direction", giving a rendition of their big hit "Ye Dinnae Ken Yer Beautiful" to raise money for charity. It was a really hot day and as you can see from the photo, Jo was dressed as a rabbit and was absolutely roasted inside her fleecy costume!

Passers-by stopped to watch and throw money into a collecting box and their store manager kept them supplied with bottles of water.

A good time was had by all and after their shift was over, Jo and another member of the band joined us in Rose Street for a well-earned drink.

A very happy day. 😁

