My pal

Created by amy 4 years ago

There are so many stories Josephine. 99% of them are hilarious and most involve some combination of the A team/girls aloud/dancing in your room +/- alcohol obviously. 

You truly were one in a million. I feel like we just laughed, my teenage years and into adulthood were ridiculously funny and every memory involves us and the A team laughing at some point. I feel so lucky to have been able to enjoy these times so much with you. You were so unique. Remember that time we were so hung over and thought we found a dogs high heel on the street and couldn't stop laughing about how a dog must be going around Glasgow with only 3 high heels on. 

I still feel like you are with me because I was lucky enough to get to shape my sense of humour growing up along side you. I see things all the time that make me laugh and that I wish I could text to you because I know they would make you crack up too. There were just so many jokes. We used humour a lot. Like when you were waiting for your transplant and we concluded that 'it could be worse, you could be ugly' (people reading this I hope you don't judge... it was just the situation called for a bit more of a black humour). 

I remember that time in a hotel in London when we had tried to go to the basement but had somehow managed to get the lift to the top floor instead and then didn't realise until we had walked down loads of stairs and ended up at the floor we started on and we literally collapsed with laughter onto the carpet because we had been walking down stating how this 'must be some basement'. It doesn't sound funny when you describe it but for years after this whenever we spoke about it it cracked us up again. 

The summer when we were 19 and spent a lot of time dancing in your bedroom I remember how you'd chase big moths for me  that came in through the window, following them around whilst carrying a can of Fosters whilst I hid down on your bed because I was a scared of them. 

I remember on Trossachs weekend how you got that pony that basically wouldn't move and just stopped to eat all the time. How on the 'A team' Portugal trip we all laughed at my Lidl 'tattoo'.  Saying 'eh' really loud when we didn't answer each other. The boat trip in Turkey when my flip flop got caught in a chair and I fell over. Dancing in the back of the caravan. Having similar opinions on the best GA lyrics. Adrian Mole and Georgia Nicholson. Supporting my declaration of love for pop princess'.... So many fond memories. 

I will be forever grateful that I got to have you as my best friend.