As you all know, Jo loved her music and was always at gigs, mostly in Edinburgh and Glasgow. She introduced me to lots of artists and bands and would quite often bring me cds that she thought I might like.
Some of the artists she introduced me to were Bastille, Best Coast, Foxes, Sia, Tegan and Sara to name a few. We often listened to them in the car on our visits to the Freeman in Newcastle.
On one journey she played a song that she said I wouldn't be able to get out of my head, she was right! (I'm going to be singing it all night now!) It was by a guy who goes by the name of Wakey! Wakey!
After playing the whole cd, Jo asked if I liked it and when I said yes, she asked whether I would like to go and see the singer in Glasgow with her. It was only later that she told me that no one else would go with her!
How could I refuse such an invitation?!!! 😁
PS - it was a really good gig, and we both had a great night.